<p>Elm-Ow-Fon, Scientific Research Journal (ESRJ) is one of the oldest journals of Kabul University, which is published by the Faculty of Agriculture. This journal has been operating since 1962 under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan and also this journal publishes high-quality scientific articles that have not been published in other journals. The review system of this journal is a double-blind peer review.</p>Kabul Universityen-USESRJA مقایسه اثرات کودهای مختلف عضوی بالای رشد و بایوماس نبات سایبین
<p>تحقیق حاضر تحت شرایط گلخانه با استفاده از گلدانها به منظور مقایسه اثرات سه نوع مختلف کودهای ارگانیک بالای رشد و بایوماس نبات سایبین از ۱۵ ثور تا اول میزان سال ۱۳۹۸ در فارم تحقیقاتی پوهنحی زراعت پوهنتون کابل انجام شد. تریتمنتهای مورد مطالعه شامل کنترول، کود عضوی غنیشده، کود مرغی پروسسشده و ورمیکمپوست بودند. اثرات این کودها در مقایسه باهم و همچنین در مقایسه با کنترول بالای شاخصهای رشد مانند قد نبات، تعداد شاخچه و تعداد برگ فی نبات، و شاخص بایوماس در نبات سایبین مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. از نتایج تحقیق حاضر معلوم گردید که استفاده از کودهای عضوی غنیشده (۵-۵-۵)، کود مرغی پروسسشده و ورمیکمپوست به ترتیب با نسبت وزنی ۴:۲:۱ دارای تاثیرات معادل هستند. این نسبت مزیت نسبی استفاده از کودهای عضوی غنیشده را در مقایسه با سایر کودهای عضوی، و از نظر کیفی، مقایسه آنرا با کودهای کیمیاوی بهطور واضح نشان داد. زمانیکه اثرات این کودها بالای افزایش بایوماس در نبات سایبین در مقایسه با کنترول ارزیابی گردید، در نتیجه معلوم شد که یک تفاوت قابل ملاحظه ایجاد گردیده است.</p>محمد داود حیدریاحمد سیر صدیقیمرحبا سحبانیعبدالمنان رؤفی
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2024-11-062024-11-066221926تحلیل اقتصادی تولید هنگ در ولایت بدخشان
<p>Hing (Asafoetida) is one of the main exportable agricultural commodities in Afghanistan. This plant can be grown almost in any type of soil and environment conditions and requires very low amount of rain. The main objective of this research project is to study Hing production economy and to investigate the problems of Hing producers in Afghanistan. The data was collected from a sample of 100 Hing producers selected using random sampling techniques and Focused Group Discussions in five districts of Badakhshan province. Descriptive statistical tools and Likert Scale are used for the analysis. The study reveals that, income from Hing production was negative in the first three years and in the fourth year the average total gross income and net income were 650,000 and 401,068 Afghanis respectively per jerib land (1 j = 0.2 ha). The percentage of gross income of Hing included 23% Seed (Dana), 22% Bran (Sarkash), and 55% Juice (Shira). The average total production cost for four years per jerib land was 248,932 Afn including (first year 41%, second year 5%, third year 5% and 49% in the fourth year). Main problems of Hing growers are noted as lack of processing equipment, market, inadequate attention of extension workers and government support, and high price of inputs. </p>میرآقا حسین خیلبرکت الله جعفریاحمد فردوس شریفیجاوید علی زادهذاکر حسین مؤحدیمحمد حسن میرداد
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2024-11-062024-11-066221018Revealed Comparative Advantage of Selected Agricultural Commodities in Afghanistan
<p>This study examines the comparative advantage of agricultural products using the Balassa index, which measures the degree of specialization of export products. The study compares the export performance of five agriculture commodities before and after the establishment of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) bloc and the ECO trade agreement. The research found that Afghanistan has a strong comparative advantage among five selected agricultural commodities, but the flour of pulses and other fresh vegetables will have no advantage after 2021. Instead, the country can focus on producing cereals and cotton, as these products display strong index values. The study suggests that Afghanistan should accelerate export promotion policies, increase participation in regional trade fares, and improve product quality to remain competitive in regional and international markets.</p>Ayaz Khan Naseri
Copyright (c) 2024 ESRJ
2024-11-062024-11-066224954مطالعه نمو و حاصل ورایتیهای مختلف شبدر بهاری در شرایط اقلیمی کابل
<p> Animal products are rich in nutrients and play an important and valuable role in ensuring food safety. Clover is one of the important forage plants; due to its palatability and softness of the aerial parts, it is a very suitable food for animals. The purpose of this research was to find the adaptation and comparison of three types of clover in terms of growth and yield in environmental conditions of Kabul. The research was conducted in the research farm of Agriculture Faculty of Kabul University in an area of 36m2 in the 2022 crop year with RCBD design included 3 replicates and 3 treatments. The treatments included Egyptian clover (T<sub>1</sub>), three-leaf clover (T<sub>2</sub>), and native clover (T<sub>3</sub>). The results showed that plant height, number of leaves, and number of stems of Egyptian clover variety have shown superiority, and in terms of flower, the native clover variety has shown superiority. Therefore, it is suggested for farmers to promote the cultivation of Egyptian clover in Kabul agro-climatic conditions and its similar areas for animal feed and green manure.</p>محمد ظریف شریفیتانیا عنایترویتا قیومیروبینا کشتونیار
Copyright (c) 2024 ESRJ
2024-11-062024-11-0662219په افغانستان کې د جلغوزي راټولول، سمون او ساتنه
<p> The appropriate time for harvesting pine nuts in Afghanistan depends on the climatic conditions of the forested areas, with the collection starting in late August and continuing until the end of November. After collection, the cones need to be properly dried. Various methods can be used for drying the cones, such as direct sun exposure, solar drying tunnels, and solar dryers. After drying and opening the cones, the nut should be separated from them, and different techniques could be employed for this purpose. After separating the pine nuts (cones), they must be properly dried again, which can be done using either sunlight or artificial heat. If the pine nut is properly dried, its storage life is extended. Pine nuts with their shells could be stored well for 3-6 months, but if the nut is without its shell, its storage life is reduced to two months. After drying, the pine nuts could be stored properly in hermetic bags at room temperature. In storage, the fungus <em>Penicillium citrinum</em> is the most common cause of disease. Additionally, the Indian meal moth and the Naval Orangeworm are among the significant pests. If live insects are found in the storage, fumigation with carbon dioxide, methyl bromide, or phosphine (PH<sub>3</sub>) could be used to control them. Future research on Chilgoza pine production in Afghanistan should focus on improving pest and disease management, optimizing harvesting and drying techniques, and exploring advanced storage solutions to extend shelf life.</p>صفي الله خرم
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2024-11-062024-11-066222735The Study of fungal diseases on aerial parts of tomato plant
<p>Fungal plant pathogens play a significant role in limiting the development of tomatoes. Recognizing the differentiation between pathogenic and non-pathogenic diseases is crucial for effective disease control, as well as for identifying the specific microorganisms responsible for infectious diseases. Among the various diseases affecting tomato plants, foliar diseases are particularly significant production constraints. Fungal foliar diseases such as early blight, septoria leaf spot, and late blight are especially economically impactful. Our study investigated the incidence of fungal diseases on the aerial parts of tomato plants at the research farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kabul University, during the growing season. We reported five fungal diseases affecting the aerial parts of tomato plants throughout this period. The identified pathogens included <em>Alternaria</em>, <em>Oidium</em>, <em>Phytophthora</em>, <em>Septoria</em>, and <em>Stemphylium</em>, which were confirmed through visual assessments and laboratory analyses of diseased tomato samples.</p>Ghulam Rasul FiazI
Copyright (c) 2024 ESRJ
2024-11-062024-11-066224348بررسی تأثیر حشرهکشهای مختلف بالای کرم مغزخوار سیب
<p>Pests play a major role in reducing agricultural yields and can cause significant damage to crops. The apple, one of the most consumed fruits in the world, is particularly vulnerable to various pests, with the codling moth being the most destructive. To control the apple codling moth, a study was conducted using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications in 2024 at the research farm of the Faculty of Agriculture at Kabul University. In this study, insecticides such as carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, and acetamiprid were used. To determine the optimal timing for applying the insecticides, reputable weather websites were consulted, and the flowering of the trees was also taken into account based on the data obtained from these sources. In total, insecticides were used twice and data were collected. The results of the data analysis indicated no significant difference between the insecticides used; however, all applied insecticides showed significant differences compared to the control group. Overall, the findings of this research provide farmers with greater flexibility in choosing any of these three types of insecticides, with confidence that all three are effective.</p>محمد حسین فلاح زادهمحمد ادریس احمدزیمحمد میلاد کریم زویحبیب الله میرزادمجیب الله شهبازخیلفردین کمال زاده
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