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Abstract (in English)

    Onion is widely grown in Afghanistan; it plays a fundamental role in agriculture sector. The main purpose of the research was to study the production and economic analysis of onion and to investigate the problems of onion producers. The data was obtained using random sampling techniques from a sample of 180 onion producers through a farm survey in four districts of Kabul province. Descriptive statistical tools and Likert Scale were used for the analysis. The results revealed that, on an average, 1084 sire (1 sire = 7 kg) onion is produced per Jerib (1 j= 0.2 ha.) The average price of onion received by farmers was 75 Afg per sire. The average total gross income, production cost and net income were 81300, 39219 and 42081 Afg, respectively per Jerib of onion. Production costs were land rent (22%), land preparation through tractor (3.5%), onion seed (9.6%), fertilizers (42.2%), irrigation cost (2.9%), chemical (4.9%), and wages (14.3%). Main problems of onion growers were noted as weak economic status of farmers, lack of cold storage, market problems, inadequate access to certified seed, water, high quality fertilizers.

Keywords (In English)

Onion Production Cost, Onion Income, Famers Problem

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How to Cite
احمدزی ع. ا., فضلی ق., رحیمی ا. ا., رحمانی س., صمدی خ. ا., & محمودی و. ا. (2024). P,E Production and Economic Analysis of Onion in Kabul Province. ESRJ, 62(3), 43–50. Retrieved from