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Abstract (in English)
Hing (Asafoetida) is one of the main exportable agricultural commodities in Afghanistan. This plant can be grown almost in any type of soil and environment conditions and requires very low amount of rain. The main objective of this research project is to study Hing production economy and to investigate the problems of Hing producers in Afghanistan. The data was collected from a sample of 100 Hing producers selected using random sampling techniques and Focused Group Discussions in five districts of Badakhshan province. Descriptive statistical tools and Likert Scale are used for the analysis. The study reveals that, income from Hing production was negative in the first three years and in the fourth year the average total gross income and net income were 650,000 and 401,068 Afghanis respectively per jerib land (1 j = 0.2 ha). The percentage of gross income of Hing included 23% Seed (Dana), 22% Bran (Sarkash), and 55% Juice (Shira). The average total production cost for four years per jerib land was 248,932 Afn including (first year 41%, second year 5%, third year 5% and 49% in the fourth year). Main problems of Hing growers are noted as lack of processing equipment, market, inadequate attention of extension workers and government support, and high price of inputs.