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Potato is one of the major crops grown in the country. Approximately, 53 thousand ha of land is under potato cultivation producing around 900 thousand metric tons of potatoes annually. The main objective of this research is to study the economy of potato production and to investigate the problems of potato producers. The data was obtained using random sampling techniques from a sample of 240 potato producers through a farm survey in six districts of Maidan Wardag province. Descriptive statistical tools and Likert Scale were used for the analysis. The study reveals that, on an average, 605 sire (1 sire = 7 kg) potato is produced per Jerib (1 j= 0.2 ha.) The average price of potato received by farmers was 133 Afn per sire. The average total gross income, production cost and net income were 80674, 41040 and 39634 Afn, respectively per Jerib of potato. Major grown potato varieties in the study area were Sure (red potato), Spine (white potato) and Shin Guli (green flower potato) covered 93% of the total cultivate area of potatoes. Production costs were land rent (19.5%), land preparation through tractor (3.1%), potato seed (22.9%), fertilizers (28.7%), irrigation cost (3.2%), chemical (0.9%), and wages (21.7%). Main problems of potato growers were noted as weak economic status of farmers, inadequate access to certified seed, tools, high quality fertilizers, loan, problems in selling products, and lack of attention of extension workers.